A Bone Graft Can Restore Sufficient Bone Structure for a Dental Implant Restoration

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In many cases of total tooth loss, the underlying cause also results in a loss of critical bone structure in the jaw. This could prevent the ability to use a dental implant to restore the missing tooth, which would require preparatory treatment measures. In a situation like this, Dr. Daniel Cannon will recommend having a bone graft installed in the area.

This is a minimally invasive oral surgery that can often be performed in a single outpatient appointment.

The process starts with a thorough examination of the area to assess overall oral health and the available bone structure. With any ancillary concerns addressed, Dr. Daniel Cannon can initiate sedation. Afterward, you will still feel some postoperative sedative effect, so you’ll need to arrange for a ride home after the bone graft.

The grafted bone tissue can be sampled directly from your chin or, if you prefer, it can be taken from a special surgical-grade cadaver.

With the bone material prepared, Dr. Daniel Cannon will then make an incision in your gums at the restoration site to expose the jawbone. The new bone will be set into place and the gums will be sutured closed. In time, your body will naturally integrate the graft into your existing bone structure.

The time it takes for your gums to heal and the bone graft to fuse with the surrounding tissues might vary depending on your age, general health, and the quality of your aftercare. Tobacco users have an especially high risk of complication and infection. It’s best to embrace a cessation program before and throughout the recovery process.

If you live in the Tulsa, Oklahoma, area and you are contemplating a dental restoration, you should call 918-743-1351 to set up a consultation at Cannon Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.