Have You Had a Recent Oral Cancer Screening?

Have you had a recent oral cancer screening? 42,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer every single year in our country. The good news is that treating oral cancer is much easier if it is found early. That’s why Cannon Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery offers oral cancer screenings at every dental checkup. If you find yourself wondering whether you might... read more »

Dental Implants Will Restore Your Missing Tooth

Accidents and even gum disease can cause a situation where you find yourself missing a tooth. If you go for a long amount of time without a tooth, did you know you can suffer bone loss? That is why having a dental implant to restore your missing tooth is a brilliant option. Here at Cannon Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery in... read more »

A Full Smile Awaits with Dental Implants

Do you have any missing teeth that you would like to replace, but don’t want to deal with the hassle of taking out dentures every single night? With dental implants, you can have natural-looking teeth installed directly into your jawbone for a sturdy hold that can last a lifetime. A full smile awaits with dental implants. Here are just a... read more »