Why Wisdom Teeth Removal is Necessary

If you are experiencing jaw pain or bleeding in the back of your gums, you could be suffering from your wisdom teeth coming in. Wisdom teeth appear last of all your teeth, usually in the teen to young adult years. Wisdom teeth can be painful and cause many oral health problems, which is why it’s often ideal to get them... read more »

Impacted Wisdom Teeth Can Cause Dental Issues

What are wisdom teeth? The wisdom teeth, which are also called the third molars, are the back molars. They are the last teeth to erupt in the mouth. The average adult has four wisdom teeth that begin to grow in between age 17 and 21. Why are wisdom teeth removed? Many people don’t have enough room left in their mouth... read more »

Wisdom Teeth Extraction: Is It Necessary?

Wisdom teeth usually erupt in the late teen years but can arrive as early as 14 or 15 and as late as 21 years of age. It used to be that shortly after wisdom teeth came in, it was off to have them removed. Fast forward to today and the old ways of thinking have evolved to include keeping wisdom... read more »

An Impacted Wisdom Tooth May Need Surgical Extraction

Nature initially intended for wisdom teeth to be included in the human complement of adult teeth. In the ancient past, our ancestors may have used these third molars to process tough foods and roots. However, the modern human mouth typically has little room to house these teeth, which can mean many problems and complications. Wisdom teeth characteristically begin to erupt... read more »

Sometimes Wisdom Teeth Require Surgical Extraction

The average person has four wisdom teeth in the back of their mouth. They usually attempt to erupt from the gums in late adolescence after the permanent molars have replaced the primary molars. As this starts to happen, you might feel significant discomfort behind the rear molars or in the nearby jaw muscles. Most people lack sufficient room in the... read more »

Wisdom Teeth Might Need Oral Surgery Extraction

Most people develop wisdom teeth in the gums at the back of their mouth. They typically have four wisdom teeth, yet there are some individuals who don’t develop any wisdom teeth while others might have two or three. In some rare instances, there have been people with as many as six wisdom teeth. These third molars rarely have sufficient room... read more »

What Happens During a Wisdom Teeth Extraction

As you probably know, many people have their wisdom teeth removed—but do you ever wonder why? While not everyone’s wisdom teeth need to be removed, wisdom teeth can cause several serious problems. Because your wisdom teeth are the last to come in—usually erupting when you’re around twenty years old—your other teeth could also be affected. If there isn’t enough room... read more »

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Is a Wise Preventative Measure

Third molars, more commonly known as wisdom teeth, are vestigial remnants from a time in ancient history when our ancestors survived on a diet of tough foods. In modern times, these teeth, lurking deep in the gums at the back of your mouth, have become more of a nuisance. In fact, they can even lead to serious complications, pain, and... read more »

Wisdom Teeth Often Need to Be Extracted to Prevent Complications

Third molars, also known as wisdom teeth, are essentially vestigial teeth lingering deep within the gums in the back of the mouth. In late adolescence, they can start to move and attempt to emerge. This can be an uncomfortable or even painful experience. Early symptoms might include a feeling of pressure or pain deep in the gums. This pain should... read more »

The Dangers of Wisdom Teeth

The last set of molars in the mouth, called wisdom teeth, are troublesome. They are left over from a far off period of our history when our foods were tougher to eat and difficult to digest, so we don’t really need them anymore. On top of that, our mouths have changed shape, so if the wisdom teeth grow in wrong,... read more »